Spring Cleaning Bug

Spring is almost upon us! As the chill of the winter wanes, the weather will warm, and the birds will sing. Along with these telltale signs, you may begin to feel the itch; the spring cleaning bug. This usually manifests as restlessness, a desire to go outside more, and feeling cramped in your home. If you begin to feel any of these signs, it may be time to get out the cleaning supplies and start!

But starting can be hard. Where do you start? How do you start? It all depends on you. Consider what is bothering you the most or has the most of your attention. If the dishes seem to be staring back, it may be time to scrub. If the carpet feels like it is vying for your attention, it may be time to vacuum. Once you have located the first problem it is easy to get the ball rolling!

Check Your Windows

If you find yourself seemingly out of things to clean, consider uncommon options such as decluttering or windows. Sometimes the objects in our home because white noise in the background, and we overlook them. Take some time to go through your belongings and donate the ones you no longer want to your local thrift store. Windows are often overlooked as well, even more so than clutter. Since they are never directly in our way and we don’t interact with them often. This can lead to us ignoring them entirely. Take some time to clean them, dust the sills, and check the tracks. Also, check for any damage or air leakage.

If you find any of breaks or drafts, give Complete Window Care a call today! We specialize in window repair Colorado Springs, complete window service Colorado Springs, hail damage window repair Colorado Springs, and even Colorado Springs screen replacement! Browse our website to see our full selection of services! Show your windows the love they deserve this spring!