It is estimated that 75.6 million US homes still don’t have sliding glass doors. These numbers are surprising, considering how popular glass doors are for homebuyers.

New glass doors can upscale your home immediately and give it a refined look. If you already have glass doors, you may need to consider sliding glass door repair.

Glass doors don’t last forever, and door glass replacement is inevitable. If this applies to you, you may need to consider whether your doors are old and need to be replaced.

Keep reading to find out when you should consider getting new glass doors.

1. You Have Visible Damage

The most common sign that you need glass door maintenance is visible damage. If your glass door has visible damage, you should find a solution as fast as possible.

This damage could be anything from a crack to shattering or any other damage. Your door is the one thing that provides security from outside of your home.

You do not want to leave a glass door with damage alone and think about it later. This is a serious issue, and you need to address it as soon as you can find a solution.

Depending on the damage, it may require a door glass replacement, or the door may need to be replaced. But, again, this will depend on how bad the damage is and how much it will cost.

There are some instances where it is cheaper to replace the entire door. However, if the damage is minimal, a glass door repair company should be able to replace the glass only.

2. The Door Is Non-Functional

A glass door that cannot open and close is a big deal. When your door becomes non-functional, you must do something about it before it worsens.

This can happen for various reasons over time of using the door. For example, the rollers may have become misaligned, or something may be jamming them at the bottom.

A glass door may become non-functional if it has just outlived its lifespan. If it is on the old side, it could simply be naturally falling apart since it needs to be replaced.

In this instance, glass door replacement is usually necessary. This can be a costly replacement, but it will often help you to save money in the long run instead of trying to fix it.

3. You Are Experiencing Drafts

New glass doors are something that you need if your glass door feels drafty. This is something that can happen if there are leaks in the door.

This can happen if it is older or has undergone significant wear and tear. Water and air leaks can create very unpleasant draftiness in your home.

Not only does this make your home uncomfortable, but it is also an efficiency issue. You will be losing expensive indoor heating and AC if your door has leaks in it.

These leaks not only let in air from outside but also let the air out of your home. This will negatively impact your power bill, whether in summer or winter.

In some instances, a leak may not be severe enough to need to replace the door. This type of glass door damage may be fixable, so you can still keep the original doors.

4. There Is No Noise Insulation

An issue you may experience with your glass doors is the lack of noise insulation. Most doors are designed to insulate so that outdoor noise does not penetrate your home.

Unfortunately, this is something that is going to become worn out over time. If your door has been in use for many years, it will most likely start to insulate noise less and less.

This can result in noise entering your home, making it difficult to relax or concentrate. This usually happens when door frames age or crack and leaks begin to develop around the door.

Any tiny opening or crack will let in noise from outside. When this happens, you may consider installing glass doors to replace the old ones.

If you try to fix this issue, you will usually put a Band-Aid on it. However, all glass doors need replacing eventually since they will become worn out and less effective.

5. The Style of the Door Is Out of Date

Some glass doors have an out-of-date look that you may not like. Many glass door styles that have been around for years may conflict with the look of the home now.

You may have a modern home, but your glass doors look outdated. This is not necessarily an urgent issue, but it is worth fixing.

If you want to sell the house, raising its value can be especially important. It also gives it more curb appeal and creates a more cohesive home that buyers will like.

6. You Can See Moisture Trapped in the Door

A common issue homeowners may have is moisture trapped in their glass doors. Sliding glass doors can start to collect water that becomes trapped in between the panes.

You may notice this rarely, but it will usually become a more significant issue. It is never good to see moisture trapped in your glass door since this shouldn’t happen.

If this happens, that is a sign of a broken seal or a leak. When this happens, moisture can get into the glass door and build up.

If the moisture cannot evaporate, it will stay there for a very long time. This can result in more water building up and growing over time.

You will want to act fast if you notice this happening with your sliding glass door. In some instances, this may be repairable if you resolve the issue before damage occurs.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Glass Doors?

How much you will pay for glass door maintenance varies a lot. This number will depend on many factors, including the level of damage and who you hire.

Different glass door repair company options are going to have their own prices. This will also depend on whether the glass needs to be replaced or the entire door.

For the most part, replacing the glass will usually cost $100 to $500. This is a general price to expect if damage has occurred to the glass and not the entire door.

If the damage is extensive and the door needs to be replaced, this could be anywhere from $500 to $1000. It may also be more expensive depending on the type of door you replace it with.

New glass doors are not cheap and will be a significant expense. Sliding glass door repair is generally more affordable, but it will not apply to every situation.

You can always ask for a quote to see if door glass replacement is all that is necessary. Or to ask if installing glass doors to replace the old ones is the only solution.

Why Should You Replace Glass Doors?

If you have damaged glass doors, you may wonder if you must replace them. It can be quite an investment to repair or replace glass doors for your home.

As expensive as this may be, it is necessary to do this. New glass doors may be the best option if you notice that your glass doors are damaged or worn out.

Added Security

It is vital to make sure you replace glass doors when necessary. Doors help to protect your home, and you don’t want to leave them vulnerable.

When it comes to glass doors, people may be able to see that they are damaged and easier to break into. This can be a security risk for your home that you want to fix.

Greater Efficiency

Glass door damage is going to cost you when it comes to efficiency. They will not be able to insulate your home and hold in cold or warm temperatures.

Over time, this can lead to larger and larger electricity bills. In addition, you could be losing your AC or indoor heating through cracks, leaks, or other damage to glass doors.

When Should You Get New Glass Doors?

If your home has glass doors, you may eventually need to get new glass doors. This can happen if your doors become damaged or age and become less effective. Everything from moisture build-up to sound or drafts entering your home is a cause for replacing your glass doors.

Do you need to hire a glass door repair company? Contact us today at Complete Window Care for glass replacement services.