Even though you suffer from seasonal allergies, you shouldn’t assume you will never be able to enjoy the fresh air. In fact, knowing the best time of day to open your windows and how to improve the quality of the air can help you breathe easier. Even someone with severe allergies can help themselves by following a few simple practices.

Know the Best Time to Open Windows During Allergy Season

The biggest problem that people with summer allergies face is knowing the best time to open windows during allergy season. People assume the ideal time is early in the morning when the temperature is cooler. However, this time of day is also ideal for trees, flowers, and plants to release their pollen. Keep all of your windows closed at this time.

You can better determine the best time to open windows during allergy season by paying attention to weather forecasts. In particular, watch for wind speeds and wind direction. If the wind is blowing north, keep the windows on that side of your house closed.

Watch for the Pollen Count

You should also look at the pollen content in the air. Pollen counts range from 0 to 12. You should be able to open your windows when the pollen count is between 0 and 3, but anything higher indicates a larger concentration of pollen in the air. If your allergies are mild to moderate, you might try opening a window when the pollen count is between 4 and 5.

When you do open the window, make sure you open only one at a time. Opening multiple windows can create a nice cross breeze, but it also means more allergens will get blown into your home.

Wash Your Windows First

Even if you have high-quality replacement windows, contaminants such as pollen, dust, and pet dander can collect on the windows and window frames. Once you open the window, those particles will be blown around and circulated in your indoor air. As a result, you’ll experience a sudden flare-up of allergy symptoms.

To avoid this situation, use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth and warm, soapy water to wipe down the window frames. Use a glass cleaner or a combination of water and white vinegar to clean the glass. This will remove those contaminants before the air carries them farther into your home.

Always Use Your Window Screens

Keep a close eye on your window screens to ensure they remain in good condition. Of course, no screen can keep out allergens for very long, especially with even a minor wind. This risk is only elevated if the screen is torn.

If you do see damage to your screens, you’ll need window screen repairs. Avoid using that particular window until you have the screen repaired. In the meantime, open another window that has a good-quality screen in place.

Use an Air Purifier

If you have severe allergies, setting up an air purifier by the open window can help. The device will purify the air as it enters your home. This will help you improve air circulation without risking a serious flare-up of your symptoms.

We’ll Help You Restore Your Windows in Colorado Springs

Complete Window Care offers a full range of window treatment services for homeowners throughout the Colorado Springs area. Whether you need glass scratch repair, full window replacements, or window screen repairs, our skilled team can help. To discuss your window repair needs with an expert, contact us today.