Windows can last for about 20 to 50 years. Three decades is a huge range of variance for windows, so how can you do your best to make sure you end up closer to 50 than 20?

One of the best ways is to always look out for issues that make your windows vulnerable to damage. If you’re seeing window condensation frequently, there’s a chance that you may need to fix window seal issues.

If you’re dealing with a window seal failure or some issue with your window insulation, we’re here to help. Read on for a thorough overview of what causes your windows to fog and its risks. We’ll also look into some of the main ways to fix the problem.

Why Are My Windows Foggy?

The first step to fixing a problem is to diagnose its cause. If you diagnose the cause incorrectly, you may find yourself fixing the problem wrong as well. The fix for windows fogging varies drastically depending on if it’s a bad window, a loose seal, or simply excess moisture.

The best way to diagnose a problem is to contact professionals to come inspect your windows. Professional window technicians know everything they need to know about window condensation and what could cause your issue. They’ll make sure the problem is diagnosed correctly so you don’t waste time on the wrong window replacement or repair.

Here are the main causes of foggy windows.

Excess Moisture

Excess moisture is the easiest and most common reason for windows to become foggy. Excess moisture, as the name suggests, is simply when there’s a high moisture content or “saturation level” in the air.

Depending on where the moisture is, this can cause fog or condensation on either side of the window. On cold days, when your house is warm, it’s not uncommon for the windows to fog. That’s because the differing temperatures cause the moisture in the air to cling to the window, where the temperature is shifting.

It’s also a common problem if you’re cooking in a kitchen. Leaving several pots of boiling water will fill the air with steam, inherently putting more moisture into the air. That moisture needs somewhere to go, so when it solidifies again, you’ll most often find it above the stove, on windows, and on other glass or stone surfaces.

Excess moisture is also the easiest problem to fix. It’s so easy that we recommend doing the fixes before anything else if you’re bothered by window condensation. You’ll know quickly if excess moisture was your problem doing so, preventing you from any long or difficult processes.

Poor Seals

A more costly and inconvenient reason is that there’s a bad seal around your window. Windows and doors are the main entry points to any building for air. They’ll often have weatherproofing around the edges to handle the risks of such a task.

Weatherproofing is responsible for keeping air, moisture, and particulate matter out. When the window is open, the seal is no longer active. But once it closes, the seal is what keeps the window tightly shut and the air on the other side.

If you have a window seal failure, the air will sneak in through the broken parts of the seal. If you find yourself dealing with condensation between two window panes, a window seal is almost always the problem.

In this situation, window replacement isn’t always necessary. It’s possible to repair or replace a seal without replacing the window. However, it may become necessary if the seal is badly damaged, or damaged as a result of the window being faulty.

Bad Air Circulation

Finally, bad air circulation can cause the windows to condense. As air stales or stagnates, the moisture will cling to any surface.

Windows are a common surface for moisture to cling to since it’s often a colder temperature than the rest of the home. The smooth, cool glass is a natural “magnet” of sorts for moisture, but that doesn’t mean that the window needs replacing. Like excess moisture, this is an easy, oftentimes free issue to fix.

Dangers of Foggy Windows

Why should you care if your windows are foggy? Sure, it obstructs your view, but do you need to spend time to fix window seal issues if the only problem is window condensation?

Foggy windows can cause several issues beyond aesthetic problems. The primary issue is that the moisture will encourage mold growth.

Stagnant moisture anywhere in your home is bad, but in cool, wet places, mold will thrive. If your window has blinds or shutters, the side facing the window will become wet.

Over time, this can cause mold, mildew, and other hazards. Mold will cause several health risks, particularly among people who deal with respiratory issues. More dangerous types of mold, like black mold, can also form.

Aside from the health risks, the moisture can damage your windows and adjacent walls. Moisture will cause the metal components of your window to rust. Meanwhile, the drywall next to the window can become weak, spongy, and discolored.

Fixing Your Foggy Windows

Now that we know some of the common causes and issues of window condensation, how can you handle the problem? Most are simple fixes, so we’ll start with the most difficult ones first. Here are the main fixes for windows fogging up.

Adjusting the Window Seal

If you can confidently say that the problem is a faulty or loose seal, then you’ll need to repair, replace, or otherwise fix the seal. The seal is found around the edge of a window where it connects to the wall.

Find where air is sneaking in. You can easily do so by feeling around the seal for a place where you can feel air moving. However, doing so isn’t always as easy as it seems.

One common trick is to apply a gentle but steady force of air against the window to make the leak temporarily stronger. A leaf blower, hair dryer, or box fan will do the trick. You can also apply soapy water and look for bubbles.

Once you’ve found the leak, you can use sealant to re-seal the part. We recommend you contact professional window repair and replacement technicians to do so. They can find the leak quicker, have the equipment necessary to repair it, and can do so more reliably.

Whole Window Replacement

If the seal is beyond repair, you may need to replace the window. That also might be the case if the leak was coming from a break in the glass, making the seal useless.

As before, we recommend professional window replacement crews handle this task. Safely removing and disposing of a window and its glass is a difficult, dangerous task. You also need to have a precise measurement to replace the window which isn’t always possible using standard tools.

Contact your local window replacement specialists to have them assist you. At Complete Window Care, we’ll make sure that your windows are replaced swiftly. That way, you don’t have to worry about spending days with your window missing.

Handling Excess Moisture

If the problem was excess moisture, the fix is remarkably simple. Should the problem be that you were cooking, as is often the case, you’ll only need a lid on your pots. If that isn’t possible, improve the air circulation to whisk the moisture away.

Another easy way is to open the window so that the steam goes out of the kitchen window instead of on it. While this isn’t always preferable depending on the weather outside, it will work to keep your windows fog-free.

Improving Air Circulation

Finally, improving the air circulation will help to whisk moisture out. Since stagnant air can cause moisture to settle, keeping the air from stagnating is the only fix you need.

Opening windows and doors is a great way to do so. Placing box fans will also help keep the air moving. If you’re in a kitchen or restroom, turning on the vent will help stir the air up so moisture goes through the vents.

Frequently Asked Questions

With so much information, there’s always more to learn. Here are some of the most common questions regarding window condensation.

How Much Does Window Replacement Cost?

It depends heavily on what brand of window you’re using, the style of the window, and more. The size of the glass pane is also crucial.

Is Window Replacement Difficult?

We don’t suggest tackling window replacement as a DIY task. Trust in professionals to help you safely, quickly, and reliably handle your window replacement.

The Need to Fix Window Seal Issues

If your windows are fogging up, you may need to fix window seal issues. You can also check for excess moisture or poor air circulation to engage with easier fixes first.

If you find yourself needing repair or replacement, contact us at Complete Window Care to handle the task for you. Our family-owned business offers a wide selection of services for property owners around Colorado Springs. We bring honesty and professionalism to your benefit and service.