Are your pets wreaking havoc on your window screens? Between tears, stuck noses, and wayward claws, our furry friends can strain and damage the window screening in our homes.

While investing in screen repair can be annoying, doing so can boost your home’s safety and curb appeal. 75% of homeowners who invest in improving their home’s curb appeal note that they have a greater desire to be at home. 59% enjoy their homes more.

While it can seem like a major hassle to deal with damaged screens (especially when you’re afraid of how much the repair might cost), there’s no need to panic. We have some helpful solutions for every pet-caused damage scenario.

With window screen repair in Colorado Springs, all you’ll have to worry about is keeping an eye on those paw prints.

Common Causes of a Ripped Screen

If you’re looking for “window screen repair near me” online, chances are your window screens are, well, in need of repair. While pet damage is a common cause of window screen damage, it’s not the only one. The first step is understanding what’s causing your window screens to break, stretch, or tear. After you know the cause, you can look for the most effective solution.


High-speed winds can whip up debris such as branches, rocks, and dirt that will weaken the integrity of your screened windows. Winter weather like hail and ice pose an additional risk as they will leave dents and cause holes in protective screens. As a resident of Colorado Springs, you know just how tough our winters can be.

Does this mean you should replace your window screens after every fresh snowfall? It’s not likely necessary. Even though one dent may not be a concern, over time, these dents accumulate, leading to weakened screens that can no longer protect your home.

Often, weather damage is unavoidable. That’s why it’s important to check your window screens frequently to spot any damage before it compromises your home’s energy efficiency.


Damage to your window frames can also wreak havoc on your window screens. Over time, wear and tear from the damaged frame may cause the screen to become misaligned or even pop out of the frame entirely. Can’t you pop it back into place and call it a day? Not so fast.

A damaged frame makes the screen much more vulnerable to further deterioration, so repairing damaged frames quickly is important. It will help keep your window screens secure and may even save you money in the long run by avoiding higher repair costs.


Did you have to stretch your window screen into place to fit the frame? If so, stretching can cause tears or holes in the screen and force you to replace it with a new one every few months.

Custom window screens are your best bet for dealing with irregular window sizes. They cost more initially but will last longer than stretching them. They’re also often much better for the overall aesthetics of your home as they’re designed to fit your windows or door frames. The resulting look is a window screen that matches your home’s exterior look.


Insects can cause major damage to your window screens if you’re not careful. Grasshoppers, for instance, may try to get into your home to escape the cold before winter arrives and overwhelm your screen with their tiny but powerful jaws. Meanwhile, wasps are known for their jaw strength and don’t hesitate to make their way through even the strongest screens.

If you want these insect pests kept away from your home, invest in durable window screens that will last during insect season. Investing in high-quality pest control might also help solve your problem. Ultimately, there are durable window screen options for you, though.


Finally, while Colorado Springs is full of vibrant wildlife, including bobcats, coyotes, raccoons, and more, our furry friends can greatly damage delicate window screens. Your pet doesn’t need to be a wild animal to do some significant damage.

Cats love immersing themselves in a quaint Colorado Springs view from windows and tend to push against the screen. Dogs often stick their noses up when they get excited about something outside. All this action works against the longevity of the screen by wearing it down. That’s without mentioning the damage their sharp claws can do if they’re looking for a scratching post.

Consider options like window boxes where their pet can get satisfaction from looking outdoors but won’t be doing any harm to the screen.

Why Do Pets Damage Window Screens?

If you think your window screen damage is due to your pets, identifying why they’re damaging your screen is key. After all, maybe they mistake the screen for a scratching post or can’t see the screen well enough to know it’s there. Whatever the reason may be, there are specific solutions for each one.


Pets such as cats and dogs that feel trapped or stressed out may scratch the screen door or window to get some attention or express discomfort. The damage can range from small rips to large holes in the fabric, costing time and money to repair.

To prevent damage to your screens, you must recognize anxious behaviors such as scratching or clawing at window screens. If you’ve identified why they’re anxious, you’ll be better equipped to provide comfort and reassurance when needed.


Do you have a puppy or a precious little kitten? While baby animals are downright adorable, they’re also full of energy. Watch how your tiny pet behaves around the screen door or window screen to see if they’re running into it as part of getting the zoomies or playing with the screen.

If your puppy or kitten (or adult pet) is playing with the screen, it might signify that they’re bored and looking for a fun way to burn their energy. It could also demonstrate that they lack the proper training to behave properly in a house. If it’s the latter, invest in behavioral training and work to correct their actions. It’s important they know they can’t damage your window screens.


Finally, as mentioned above, some animals might be unable to see your window screen. If that’s the case, they might run into it frequently and cause it to stretch or tear.

This behavior is easy to identify. However, fixing it might take more time. If your pet has vision problems, take them to the vet. In the meantime, place a gate on your window to prevent them from running into the screen.

How to Prevent Window Screen Damage

Have you identified the problem? Great! Now it’s time to consider some screen repair solutions to avoid pet damage in the future. Here are some simple ways to prevent pet damage to your window screens.

Install Barriers

The easiest and most cost-effective option to prevent pet damage to your window screens is to place barriers in front of your windows. A dining room chair, baby gate, or any other suitable object in front of the screen door ensures your pet cannot access it and prevents potential destruction. You can use smaller objects to obstruct access to windows.

If that doesn’t work, consider installing gates or bars on your windows. We know; this sounds like your home will look like a prison from the inside. However, there are beautiful window bars you can install that look elegant and stylish while keeping your home and your windows safe from damage.

Screen door grills are another option; they look as natural as window screens.

Provide Alternatives

Are your pets damaging your window screens because they’re bored or anxious? If so, provide alternative methods for them to burn off energy or calm their nerves. One great option includes installing a pet door that will allow them to go outside on their own easily. If you have an enclosed yard, this is a great way to allow them to play outside.

If your pet is causing window screen damage due to anxiety, you might provide them with a scratching post nearby where they can scratch when they get anxious. Or you might try turning on calming music or giving them CBD pet drops.

Install Heavy-Duty Screen

Have none of the tips above helped to prevent your pets from damaging your window screens? Don’t worry; you still have other options. Our best suggestion, in this case, is to install a heavy-duty screen door or window screen that will withstand the wrath of any pet, large or small.

Not only are heavy-duty window screens built to last longer, but you can also find ones that are specifically made for pets with heavy-duty mesh fabric. Not only will this keep your pet from causing damage to the door, but it will also ensure that bugs and other pests can’t enter your home.

Window Screen Repair Options

If you can’t remedy the solution alone, we’re here to help. Sometimes, repairing or replacing your window screens is the best way to fix pet damage. What can you expect from screen repair services in Colorado Springs?

With window screen repairs, you can breathe new life into your space without resorting to full window replacements. At Complete Window Care, we use high-quality materials and advanced tools tailored for window screen repair to secure lasting results that will undoubtedly satisfy your needs.

Window Screen Repair in Colorado Springs

Ready to invest in screen repair? We offer the best window screen repair in Colorado Springs. How does it work at Complete Window Care?
Once you contact us for window screen repair, we’ll come to your location and inspect the window to diagnose the problem. Once we understand what needs to be done, our technicians will provide a quote and start the job immediately.
Our window screen repair service ensures your window is back in working order quickly and efficiently. Contact us now to get the process started!