Did you know that the first glass windows were invented 2,000 years ago by the Romans? Windows have been essential ever since. Keeping them in good shape is important if you want them to last.

A drafty window is a problem that should not be ignored. This problem can get worse if it isn’t fixed right away. But how can you fix a window draft?

There are several ways to do this. Keep reading and learn more about the ways you can fix a drafty window below.

1. Add Caulk to the Gap

Adding caulk to the gap in a drafty window is the most straightforward way to fix the problem. Drafty windows happen for a variety of reasons. The window may not have been installed correctly.

This left a gap between the window and the wall. Your windows might also be old. Old windows are more likely to be drafty since they may shift and change their shape over the years.

Caulking the window is also easy and not a messy job. Caulk is a perfect material for windows since it is waterproof. You won’t have to worry about rain seeping through the windows once you add the caulk to the gap.

Make sure you apply the caulk in the right location. Apply it around the edges of the window where you think the draft is coming from. It should be easy to identify the location of the draft.

You can feel the wind flowing through the gap. You might see the gap if it is large enough too. Fill the gap with the caulk.

This will stop the draft in its tracks. Using caulk should leave you with airtight windows in a short period.

2. Add Weatherstripping to the Gap

Weatherstripping is often used to seal doors and windows. It is not much more than a specific type of tape. It is easy to apply to the corners of any window and it should stay put wherever you place it.

The great thing about weatherstripping is that it is very cheap. Buying a role should be more than enough to fix your drafty window. It might allow you to fix several drafty windows.

There are a few different types of weatherstripping you should know about. They all function to do the same thing, but some may be better than others for your particular need. Compression weather strips are best for the part of the window that holds the glass.

This is known as the sash. There are also V-type weather strips. These strips are designed for the window jam.

This is ideal if the window jam is letting in cold air. There are also foam strips. These are very easy to install and affordable.

Their main downside is that they may not withstand the test of time. Choosing the right strips will ensure that your drafty window won’t be a problem for you in the future.

3. Use New Glazing Putty

Every window has a seal made from glazing putty. This glazing putty does a great job of separating the air outside from the air inside your house. Glazy putty is very durable and should last several years.

But drafts can happen if problems occur with the glazing putty. The putty may crack or get weak. This makes it easy for air outside to cause a draft inside your house.

You can fix the problem by adding new glazing putty to the window. This is as easy as adding caulk to the window. Make sure you have a heat gun along with a putty knife, a caulk gun, and glazing putty.

Scrape away the old putty by heating it with the heat gun. Use protective equipment while doing this. Then add the new putty where the old putty used to be.

The glazing putty should come with instructions for how to do this. You need to shape the putty against the edge of the window with a knife. This should create a nice new seal for the window.

The problem of the drafty window should be gone for good.

4. Add More Window Dressings

Suppose that you fix the draft in your window. But your house still gets too cold due to air seeping in from the windows. A good way to stop this problem is to use more curtains.

Thick, heavy curtains are great for insulating your windows. Closing the curtains over the windows at night will act as a shield against the cold air outside. You can also accomplish this by layering your curtains.

You might start with a few sheer blinds to keep drawn during the day. You might also have another layer of thicker curtains to act as an extra barrier. You might have a third layer of drapes on either side of the window.

The great thing about this approach is that it also gives you the freedom to give the inside of your house a new look. This is perfect to keep your home warm during cold winter or autumn nights.

When the weather warms up, you can pull the drapes open. This allows some of the warmth outside to enter your home.

5. Try Nail Polish

Nail polish is not only for doing your nails. Nail polish is renowned for its ability to fix a variety of problems. You can also fix a drafty window with nail polish.

It might not be the best way to fix a drafty window, but it will help you in a pinch. It will also make sure your house doesn’t get too cold while you look for better window fixes. Start with clear nail polish.

Clear nail polish won’t be noticeable once you apply it to your window. It is perfect for fixing drafts around any window sashes. It is also good for fixing drafts in other areas of your window.

But it may not be best if you have large gaps in your window. This would be a job better suited for caulk or glazing putty. You can also use clear nail polish to fix cracks in the glass.

It can also make glass scratches invisible. This is a great thing to use if you don’t have anything better on hand. But don’t expect that nail polish will fix your window problems forever.

You will eventually need to use longer-lasting materials to keep your window in good shape.

6. Try Foam Tape

Foam tape is not the same as foam weatherstripping. Foam weatherstripping is specifically designed for doors and windows. Foam tape is more general.

While it might not be the most permanent solution to your problem, it can help if you don’t have anything else. It is also helpful if you can’t find any weatherstripping in your area.

Foam tape is very easy to apply. Take a strand of tape and apply it along the edge of your window where the draft is coming from. You can cut the tape to fit whatever shape or size you want.

This tape is very flexible and is great for curved windows. The foam layer helps keep the window insulated. It might not eliminate your draft on all occasions.

A draft caused by a large gap likely won’t go away with a bit of foam tape. But smaller gaps and minor drafts should disappear after you apply foam tape. Foam tape is also very affordable.

This ensures that you won’t have to spend an arm and a leg fixing your window.

7. Hire a Professional

You might not know anything about fixing drafty windows. Or you may not have enough time to fix your windows. You should instead hire a professional to tackle the job for you.

Window professionals have years of experience. They know everything about how windows work and what kind of problems they can develop. A drafty window is a small and quick issue for a professional.

A professional will use the right tools to fix the problem quickly. Your window will then be as good as new. A professional can also advise you if it is better to replace your window.

This may save you money in the long run.

All About Fixing a Drafty Window

A drafty window is an annoying window that will affect your windows sooner or later. A draft is a simple problem caused by a gap somewhere in the window. You can fix it with caulk, glazing putty, and nail polish.

A professional can also fix this problem. To learn more about professional window services, check out the services we offer.