Ensuring your windows have a good seal sounds important, but just how crucial is it? Window sealant has incredible benefits and prevents some sticky situations, so it’s always worth getting a proper seal on every window in your home. Here’s what you’ll get — and avoid — if you use the power of window sealant caulk for protection.

Better Energy Efficiency

The more evident benefit of using window sealant is that the warm or cool air from your climate control system won’t be seeping through the cracks into the outdoors. The added seal prevents air from escaping, so your system won’t have to work as hard to get to the desired temperature.

Additionally, the warm or cool air you’re trying to keep outside won’t have a way in, making it doubly worth it for those who want to be greener and save some green in the process.

Enhanced Critter Control

If there’s a way for a bug to get inside your home, you can be sure it’ll find it. But sealing your windows makes it much more challenging for them to break and enter. While larger bugs might have a rough time getting through small cracks in the window, ants or spiders will happily see themselves in and potentially leave chaos in their wake.

And you’d be surprised how many pests like mice can fit themselves through the tiniest crevices if they wish to. Any homeowner knows that even just one pest sighting could spell trouble in their home, so using a sealant for windows as a barrier to entry is a good call.

Protection from Moisture Damage

Window sealant acts as a phenomenal shield against condensation. And moisture is the sworn enemy of many types of windows. Even if the window has no wood components, moisture in your home could quickly cause mold or mildew growth. At that point, you’re stuck dealing with poor air quality and allergy flare-ups, making you feel miserable.

Interestingly enough, many pests also find themselves attracted to moisture. So you have some extra built-in pest control if you keep moisture levels around your window low.

Extends the Life of Your Windows

Even though you try to protect them, your windows are up against the will of nature. Unfortunately, this means they are often more prone to water damage — unless you add some exterior window sealant.

While it won’t necessarily keep everything dry, sealant can keep more surface area of your window dry, making it much less likely to incur weather-related damages. And the longer you can hang on to your windows and keep them healthy, the more money you’ll save not having to replace them.

Professional Window Repair from Complete Window Care

Even with the help of the best window sealant, it’s normal for your window to need attention from a qualified technician. If your window is in a state where sealant isn’t enough, call us at Complete Window Care. Reach out today to schedule your appointment and learn more about our services.