Winterizing Your Home Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide 

Winter is coming fast and with it, cold temperatures that can wreak havoc on your home’s windows. To protect your windows from the harsh winter weather, you must take the time to winterize them. By following this step-by-step guide, you will be able to ensure that your home’s windows are ready for whatever winter throws their way.

Step 1: Check for Air Leaks and Repair Any Cracks or Holes 

The first step in winterizing your home’s windows is to check for any air leaks or cracks that might be present. If you find any cracks or holes, use a caulking gun to repair them as soon as possible. This will help keep cold air from entering your home through the window frames.

Step 2: Apply Weather Stripping 

Once you have repaired any cracks or holes in the window frames, it’s time to apply weather stripping around each window. Weather stripping is a thin strip of rubber or plastic that is designed to create a seal around your window frame when it closes. This will help keep cold air out and warm air in during the winter months.

Check your local home improvement store for a window insulation kit!

Step 3: Install Storm Windows (Optional)  

If you live in an area where temperatures often drop below freezing during the winter months, then installing storm windows may be a good idea. Storm windows are separate windows that fit over top of regular windows and provide an extra layer of insulation against the cold temperatures outside. Installing storm windows can also help reduce noise levels inside your home from wind gusts or storms passing by outside.  

Step 4: Install Insulated Window Coverings 

If you want even greater protection against cold winter temperatures, you should consider installing insulated window coverings such as blinds or shades on your windows. These types of coverings are designed specifically to reduce heat loss through glass surfaces by reflecting heat back into a room instead of allowing it to escape outdoors through the windowpanes themselves. Plus, they come in a variety of styles so they can easily match any decor style!

Call Complete Window Care!

 Windows are a key part of making your home energy efficient and comfortable. Making sure they are properly winterized can make all the difference in keeping you warm and preserving your energy costs.

Following this step-by-step guide should ensure that you have taken the necessary steps to protect your windows from the harshness of winter weather.

Remember to conduct a thorough inspection of your windows twice a year, and replace any cracked or damaged windows as soon as possible.

If you need professional assistance with winterizing your home’s windows, Complete Window Care is here to help.