Window screens are protectors that keep the outside world out of our homes. But when something damages these shields, they can be a nuisance to repair, and the damage can leave your home vulnerable to pests and significantly lower its air quality.

Fortunately, it’s easy to avoid needing to replace window screens or take on premature repairs. To keep your home properly secured against the elements, follow these four simple tips:

1. Fight Back Against UV Rays

When it comes to soaking up too much sun, your skin is not your only concern; your window screens can be heavily affected by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight as well.

But instead of getting a sunburn, window screens can become warped or weakened, making it a lot easier for something as simple as a gust of wind to damage them.

You can combat this by finding ways to provide any parts of your property that get a lot of sun with some cooling shade. You don’t necessarily have to plant an enormous tree, either. An awning or similar temporary solution can make a big difference.

2. Prepare for Curious Animals

Curious critters can cause severe damage to screens for windows. And sometimes, the claw comes from inside the house. Both animals outside and your beloved pets can leave you needing window screen repair.

There are multiple ways you can address this. You could install replacement window screens explicitly made to protect against animal-related mischief, or use scratch barriers like netting to discourage your cats from their daily dose of window parkour.

Whatever route you choose, taking steps to counteract animal interaction with your window screens is a wise move.

3. Expect Insects

Many insects can chew through a window screen, and many will try in order to escape the outside elements, especially during colder weather.

One of the easiest ways to address insect damage is by getting stronger replacement window screens with frames. These window screens are more robust against insect damage and can save you money in the long term.

Otherwise, you can spray your screens with insect repellent, or consult with a pest professional about your options.

4. Clean Carefully

Cleaning your screens too aggressively can cause them to bend or pull the mesh loose. This problem only worsens if your screens are already weakened by one of the other common causes of window screen damage, such as animal or insect damage.

The solution is simple: clean your screens carefully. Wash them gently with a cloth, and avoid using harsh chemicals on them that could eat away at the material over time. A light clean is usually enough if you do it regularly and can prevent you from being the reason you need window screen repairs.

Proper Care Starts with a Professional Touch

Start protecting the health and longevity of your window screens with window screen repairs and maintenance from Complete Window Care. Local, family-owned, and honest, we offer a wider range of window repair services to the Colorado Springs community. To learn more, contact our professional team today!