What to Do With Your Shattered Window

What to Do With Your Shattered Window

Do you have a shattered window in your home right now? Maybe the kids who live next door accidentally threw a baseball through it. Maybe you were mowing the lawn and ran over a rock that shot up and hit it. Or maybe someone even tried to break into your home and...
The Importance of Window Sealants

The Importance of Window Sealants

Ensuring your windows have a good seal sounds important, but just how crucial is it? Window sealant has incredible benefits and prevents some sticky situations, so it’s always worth getting a proper seal on every window in your home. Here’s what you’ll get — and avoid...
5 Tips to Prevent Window Scratches

5 Tips to Prevent Window Scratches

An important aspect of a house’s maintenance involves looking after its windows. When you consider how easily even the smallest things can damage your windows, however, keeping the glass in perfect condition might seem impossible. On the contrary, there are several...